Laughter is the best medicine. Unless you’re actually ill, then please seek professional medical attention.

There are few things in this world that I love more than a good giggle. My best friend from high school and I have an entire three-ring binder of hilarious shit we did and said, and it really doesn’t matter if anyone else gets it – we think it’s comedy gold. (But, for the record, most people did get it.)

The fact that my husband is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met is not an accident. When I met him, he was a steely-eyed, pissed off looking dude who slung drinks behind the bar at Kasey’s Tavern in Chicago’s South Loop. The first time he made a dry remark with timing that rivaled a George Carlin quip, my head snapped to look at him so fast that I needed a Jaegerbomb just to calm my sudden nerves. (It was the early 2000’s. Don’t judge my shot choice, okay?) There was a lot to learn about the cute guy who served me countless Limon & Diet Cokes, while almost never charging me full price and almost always skipping over my jukebox choices.

Andy & I have a similar sense of humor, which keeps things interesting and fun and is why this blog and this Instagram exist at all. I never thought other people would find us funny until I started posting, when lo and behold, my notifications were full of those little yellow laugh emojis. And I don’t think that what we talk about is particularly funny, but I do think that any time you can take the mundanity of life and hold it up to the light, you can find what’s funny by pinpointing the thing that makes it relatable to others.

This helps us when we’re bored (we don’t even listen to the radio on long car rides), when we’re out with friends (though he gets annoyed when I interject myself into his stories), and when we fight (he still pulls the Adam Sandler boob honk from the movie Spanglish when I am particularly pissed). And as my poor, innocent cousin Tyler found out one late night on Facebook, no one is safe from our jack-assery.

By the way, it wasn’t until writing this post that I finally did look up the name of Sean Connery’s brother. It’s Neil. And totally not as funny as Ron Connery.


**Note: Not a single like on that Facebook post! Not one…… Hilarious.

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