Better Birthdays Ahead

taco bday

Andy & I are a special kind of special, and I attribute some of that to our birthdays. He was born on St. Patrick’s Day, and I was born on Halloween.

These birthdays, I believe, play a role in who we are as human beings. Andy, a Pisces, is sensitive and has a deep, deep love for tacos. I’m a Scorpio. I can be highly irrational, but I also have a deep, deep love for tacos. I think it’s because we’re both water signs. And water totally goes with tacos (especially at 7 am), so there you go.

When you grow up with a birthday where literally everyone is celebrating, you can sometimes have an inflated sense of self. Especially when your birthday includes people dressing up and going out. As a kid, my birthday parties were always a hit because my parents would organize scavenger hunts and we’d have massive amounts of candy and games. As an adult, my birthday parties were always a hit because my friends had an excuse to dress as slutty animals and drink too much. It’s a win-win. Ironically, Andy’s birthdays have been pretty low-key, which one might attribute to the fact that St. Paddy’s Day is for amateurs and back in our heyday, we were professionals who knew how to handle our green beer.

Now that we have kids, our birthdays have become considerably less exciting. On mine, we take the kids trick-or-treating and feast on their candy once they’ve gone to bed. Twix are AMAZING with a good cabernet sauvignon. On his, we usually make corned beef and hash in the crockpot, stick some candles in a loaf of soda bread and pour a Guinness.

So today, as my husband turns another year older, I can’t help but reflect on the decade worth of birthdays we’ve celebrated together. Tonight we’re getting a private brewery tour and checking out the new Mandarin restaurant in town. Exciting, I know! But I’d take a quiet night with my honey over green beer and vomiting any day.

Happy Birthday, Babe!

See? Here’s proof that we were once fun, that I’m an aggressive hugger, and that Andy wears green – just not on his birthday. Sidenote: I don’t know that banana.

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